Unpacking Robust Restaking Networks - Cascading Attacks and Validator Security
In this blog post, we will unpack and review the key insights and contributions of the paper Robust Restaking Networks. We will explore the innovative models and conditions proposed by Durvasula and Roughgarden, aimed at ensuring that restaking networks remain secure even in the face of potential attacks. From the importance of overco...
Cross-Chain MEV Auctions - Modeling Proposer Revenue Maximization
In the evolving landscape of multi-chain world, one of the key components to unlocking the full potential of cross-chain interactions is through maximizing the value extracted from miner-extractable value, or MEV. This article will explore the mathematical models and optimization of auction mechanisms to maximize proposer revenues ...
Solving the Messopotamia - The Curious World of Sealed Bid Auctions in Ethereum’s PBS
WIP - Work in progress
Note: Many thanks to Barnabé Monnot for reviewing, guidance, and providing feedback.
In this post, we explore the intriguing world of edge cases within First Price Sealed Bid Auction (FPSBA) and Second Price Sealed Bid Auction (SPSBA) in Ethereum’s Proposer Builder Separation (PBS) scheme, where traditional...
Sealed Bids in Ethereum's PBS - Impact on Proposer-Builder Dynamics
Note: Many thanks to Barnabé Monnot for reviewing, guidance, and providing feedback.
Ethereum’s shift to a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism introduces a clear division of roles in block proposal and construction through the Proposer-Builder Separation (PBS) 12. This structure not only improves operational efficiency but al...
Harnessing AI in Ethereum - Pioneering a New Era of Agentic Systems for Blockchains
Public blockchains like Ethereum provide an ideal infrastructure for the development and operation of AI agents, due to their distinctive features that align perfectly with the needs of decentralized, autonomous systems. These platforms not only support but enhance the capabilities of AI agents, fostering a new era of technological int...
Merkleization and Hash Root Tree - A Deep Dive into SSZ Merkleization in Ethereum
In Ethereum consensus mechanism, it’s critical for all participating nodes to agree on the state of the system consistently and efficiently. The Simple Serialize (SSZ) framework facilitates this through Merkleization, a process that transforms serialized data into a Merkle tree structure. This wiki page discusses the intricacies of Merkleization...
Simple Serialize (SSZ) - A Deep Dive into SSZ in Ethereum
Simple Serialize (SSZ) is a serialization and Merkleization scheme designed specifically for Ethereum’s Beacon Chain. SSZ replaces the RLP serialization used on the execution layer (EL) everywhere across the consensus layer (CL) except the peer discovery protocol. Its development and adoption are aimed at enhancing the efficiency, secu...
Mastering Recursive-Length Prefix (RLP) Serialization - A Comprehensive Guide to Ethereum's Execution Layer
Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) is a core serialization protocol used within the execution layer for encoding and parsing data. It is designed to serialize data and produce a structure readable by all client software. It is used for everything from transaction data to the entire state of the blockchain. This wiki page explores the internals of RLP...
60 post articles, 8 pages.