The Ultimate Guide to Working with ZKSNARKS and Cryptographic Primitives - From Trusted Setup to Workflow Automation
Trusted Setup
Powers of Tau Ceremony
Exercises - Trusted Setup
Non-Quadratic Constraints
Exercises - Non-Quadratic Constraints
Groth16 and PLONK Protocols
Proof Generation, Computing Witness, Verification and Testing
ZKSNARKS are a powerful cryptographic tool that can enabl...
GCD - A Deep Dive into Fundamental Concept in Number Theory
Greatest Common Divisor Overview
Definition 1 - GCD
Definition 2 - Co-prime
Proposition 1
The Euclidean Algorithm
Geometrical View of the Euclidean Algorithm
The Extended Euclidean Algorithm
Theorem 1
Proposition 2
Theorem 2
Greatest Common Divisor Overview
Mastering Rank One Constraint System R1CS with Circom Examples
Understanding the Role of R1CS in ZK Protocols
Definition and Explanation of R1CS
Relation to Circuits of Logical Gates
Constructing R1CS for Zero Knowledge Proofs
Circom R1CS Examples
Example 1
Ex1 R1CS Constraint Explanation
Ex1 Sagemath Implementation
Paper Review - Zero Knowledge Proofs for Decision Tree Predictions and Accuracy
Machine learning has become increasingly prominent and is widely used in various applications in practice. Despite its great success, the integrity of machine learning predictions and accuracy is a rising concern. The reproducibility of machine learning models that are claimed to achieve high accuracy remains challenging, ...
Unlocking the Power of ElGamal Encryption - Implementing and Enhancing Security with SageMath
ElGamal Encryption
Enhancing Security of ElGamal Encryption
Finding a Safe Generator
Practical Applications of ElGamal Encryption
ElGamal encryption is a widely-used public key encryption algorithm that provides confidentiality and security in communication systems. It was proposed by Taher ElGam...
Rate Limiting Nullifier (RLN) Protocol - Circom Circuits Security Audit
Rate Limiting Nullifier (RLN) Review
I recently had the pleasure of conducting my first security audit of a Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) protocol. The protocol in question was the Rate Limiting Nullifier (RLN) Zero Knowledge Proofs Protocol, with its circuits written in Circom. My main focus during this review was on the Circom Circuits of the Z...
Unveiling the Weighted Set Cover Problem - Optimizing Resource Allocation
Problem Explanation
Problem Definition Weighted Set Cover
Solution Greedy Algorithm
Implementation in SageMath
Example Scenario
Applications in Blockchain Technology and Machine Learning
Blockchain Transaction Fee Optimization
Machine Learning Feature Selection
Relating to Karp Reduction
Mastering Elliptic Curve Arithmetic - A Comprehensive Guide with SageMath Examples
Introduction Demystifying Elliptic Curves and Their Applications
The Power of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
Unlocking the Potential of ECC with SageMath
Understanding the Fundamentals of Elliptic Curves
Definition of an Elliptic Curve
Points on an Elliptic Curve
Visualizing Points on an Ellip...
50 post articles, 7 pages.