Unveiling the Weighted Set Cover Problem - Optimizing Resource Allocation
Problem Explanation
Problem Definition Weighted Set Cover
Solution Greedy Algorithm
Implementation in SageMath
Example Scenario
Applications in Blockchain Technology and Machine Learning
Blockchain Transaction Fee Optimization
Machine Learning Feature Selection
Relating to Karp Reduction
Mastering Elliptic Curve Arithmetic - A Comprehensive Guide with SageMath Examples
Introduction Demystifying Elliptic Curves and Their Applications
The Power of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
Unlocking the Potential of ECC with SageMath
Understanding the Fundamentals of Elliptic Curves
Definition of an Elliptic Curve
Points on an Elliptic Curve
Visualizing Points on an Ellip...
Enhancing Ethereum Scalability with Product Codes and Danksharding - A Comprehensive Guide
This article would provide an in-depth understanding of how product codes from algebraic coding theory can be applied to Danksharding to improve Ethereum’s scalability. It would cover the fundamentals of product codes, their application in Danksharding, and the potential benefits for Ethereum’s network.
Product Codes and Their Relation to Da...
Efficient Computation of Frobenius Automorphism on BN254 Elliptic Curve
In this blog post, we will explore an efficient method to compute the Frobenius automorphism for the BN254 elliptic curve. The BN254 curve is a pairing-friendly elliptic curve that is widely used in cryptographic applications hackmd.io/@jpw. We will exploit the fact that $(p−1)/2$ is odd to compute the Frobenius automorphism efficiently.
What i...
Writing Zero Knowledge Proofs and Circuits in Four Different Languages - Dotproduct of Two Vectors
We will implement dot product of two vectors of size N using Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) in Circom, Halo2, . According to k12.libretexts.org, the dot product of two vectors A and B of size N is given by:
A.B = a1*b1 + a2*b2 + ... + aN*bN
Process Flow of a Zero Knowledge Proof
Circom Circuit for Dotproduct of Two Vect...
Paper Review - Predicting the development of adverse cardiac events in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using machine learning
The paper aimed to improve the prediction of adverse cardiac events in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) using machine learning methods. The study found that machine learning models demonstrated a superior ability to predict adverse cardiac events compared to conventional risk stratification. The authors suggest that thes...
Paper Review - Machine learning of native T1 mapping radiomics for classification of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotypes
The paper presents a machine learning approach for classification of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotypes using native T1 mapping radiomics.
Citation of the Paper
Antonopoulos, A.S., Boutsikou, M., Simantiris, S. et al. Machine learning of native T1 mapping radiomics for classification of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotypes. Sci...
Different types of Zero Knowledge Proofs (Interactive and Non-interactive)
Zero knowledge proofs (ZKP) are cryptographic protocols that enable one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) the truth of a statement without revealing any additional information beyond the statement’s validity. ZKPs are incredibly useful in scenarios where confidentiality is paramount, such as digital identity v...
60 post articles, 8 pages.