From RPC to Execution - A Queueing-Theoretic View of Solana’s Fee Markets and Transaction Pipeline - Part II

Part 2: Multi-Stage Solana’s Transaction Supply Chain and Control-Theoretic Optimization

Recap of Part 1 and Overview of Part 2

In Part 1, we established the foundational queueing-theory concepts that apply to blockchain fee markets:

  • M/M/1 Queues:
    • We examined single-server queues with Poisson arrivals and exponential service times.
    • Key takeaway: If the arrival rate $\lambda$ gets close to or exceeds the service rate $\mu$, waiting times $W_q$ explode.
  • Priority Scheduling:
    • Introducing a “high-fee” class (Class 1) can reduce waiting times for those transactions, while “low-fee” (Class 2) traffic endures more delays.
    • However, if total load $\lambda = \lambda_1 + \lambda_2$ approaches $\mu$, even high-fee traffic is eventually impacted.
  • Dynamic Fee Floors (Admission Control):
    • By raising a fee floor $f$, we effectively limit $\lambda_2$, keeping $\rho = \lambda/\mu$ below 1, which helps avoid queue “blow-ups.”
  • Multi-Server M/M/k Models:
    • Adding more parallel servers increases overall capacity to $k \times \mu$.
    • Priority queues still help high-fee transactions, but no matter how many servers, the system saturates if $\lambda$ becomes too large.

In Part 2, we’ll apply these ideas to Solana’s multi-stage transaction pipeline, sometimes described as a “supply chain” of transaction processing steps:

  • We’ll map each major stage (ingress, signature verification, scheduling, execution) to a queue.
  • We’ll explore tandem queue (Jackson network) concepts and show how the overall system remains stable only if $\lambda$ stays below all stages’ service capacities.
  • We’ll introduce a control-theoretic perspective, where Solana can raise or lower a global fee floor depending on real-time queue lengths, ensuring that high-fee traffic always has a reliable “fast lane.”

Multi-Stage Solana’s Transaction Pipeline as Tandem Queues

    participant RPC
    participant Network Interface Card
    participant Validator
    participant Scheduler
    participant Execution Thread
    RPC->>Network Interface Card: Send Transaction
    Network Interface Card->>Validator: Receive Transaction
    Validator->>Validator: Deserialize Packet
    Validator->>Validator: Verify Signature
    Validator->>Scheduler: Add to Queue
    Scheduler->>Execution Thread: Execute Transaction
    Note over Validator: Sig Verify Stage
    Note over Scheduler: Waiting Stage

Fig 1. Solana’s Transaction Pipeline

Solana’s transaction flow involves multiple sequential stages:

  1. RPC
    The transaction originates from an RPC node, which sends the transaction to the validator (leader). This can be seen as a logical “ingress” point into the network.

  2. Network Interface Card (NIC)
    The NIC is where packets arrive from the network. In queueing terms, we can think of this as the initial “arrival” into the system.

  3. Validator (Deserialization + Signature Verification)
    • Deserialization: The validator unpacks the transaction from its packet format.
    • Signature Verification: The validator checks that all required signatures are valid (“Sig Verify Stage”).
      In our queueing model, signature verification can be viewed as one of the service “stages” (e.g., $S_2$ in a tandem queue). Transactions pass from NIC (stage $S_1$, though sometimes simplified) to signature verification (stage $S_2$).
  4. Scheduler (Waiting Stage)
    Once signatures are verified, transactions move into a scheduler queue, where local fee market logic (i.e., priority rules, dynamic fee floors, etc.) can apply. This is the “waiting stage” in our queueing model, frequently labeled $S_3$.

  5. Execution Thread
    The scheduler pulls transactions off its queue and forwards them to an execution thread (stage $S_4$). This is where the transaction is actually processed and state changes occur on-chain.

In queueing terms, each stage $S_i$ is modeled as an M/M/1 queue with service rate $\mu_i$. Transactions arrive at an overall rate $\lambda$ and must pass through $S_1 \to S_2 \to S_3 \to S_4$.

Mapping Diagram Stages to Tandem Queues

In our tandem M/M/1 framework:

  • Stage $S_1$ (Ingress/NIC):
    $\mu_1$ is the effective throughput of network ingress + initial acceptance.
    If many transactions arrive ($\lambda$ is high), $S_1$ can become a bottleneck before they even reach signature verification.

  • Stage $S_2$ (Signature Verification):
    $\mu_2$ represents the capacity for deserialization + sig verify. A large backlog here means even high-fee transactions wait unless there is priority scheduling at this stage.

  • Stage $S_3$ (Scheduler Queue):
    $\mu_3$ is the capacity to pull transactions from the waiting queue and prepare them for execution. Under heavy load, the scheduler can reorder transactions based on fees (local fee market logic).

  • Stage $S_4$ (Execution Thread):
    $\mu_4$ is the actual execution throughput. If the execution environment is slower than the earlier stages, a queue forms here, delaying final transaction confirmation.

By seeing the Solana’s transaction “supply chain” steps in both a sequence diagram and a tandem queue structure, we can appreciate how each real-life step aligns with a queueing model stage. This connection to Queuing Theory clarifies:

  • Where congestion can occur (e.g., Sig Verify or Scheduler might become bottlenecks).
  • Why priority or fee floors matter at each stage (to ensure high-fee transactions leapfrog low-fee ones in both the scheduler and earlier queues).
  • How dynamic load shedding (raising a fee floor) effectively reduces $\lambda_2$ at the earliest stages, preventing queues from spiraling out of control.

Stability Condition in a Tandem System

For a tandem queue to be stable, the arrival rate $\lambda$ must be less than the effective capacity of every stage:

\[\lambda < \min(\mu_1,\;\mu_2,\;\mu_3,\;\mu_4).\]

If one stage has $\mu_i < \lambda$, that stage will become a bottleneck and cause queues to grow without bound.

Priority Classes in Each Stage

Just as in Part 1, we maintain two classes of transactions—Class 1 (high-fee, $\lambda_1$) and Class 2 (low-fee, $\lambda_2$). Each queue at stage $S_i$ implements a non-preemptive priority policy, ensuring high-fee traffic is always served first when the stage is idle or switching tasks. However, if $\lambda$ is near or above $\mu_i$ for all $i$, congestion can overwhelm even high-fee transactions.

Dynamic Fee Floor in a Tandem System

Feedback-Based Admission Control

A local fee market can do more than passively queue up high-fee traffic—it can also reject (or heavily delay) transactions that pay below a certain fee floor $f$. By dynamically adjusting $f$, Solana can keep $\lambda_2$ in check.

A straightforward way to do this is with a threshold-based control:

  1. Track the sum of queue lengths across all stages:

    \[Q_{\text{total}}(t) \;=\;\; \sum_{i=1}^{4} Q_i(t).\]
  2. Define two thresholds:

    • High watermark $\Theta$: if $Q_{\text{total}}(t)$ exceeds $\Theta$, raise $f(t)$.
    • Low watermark $\theta$: if $Q_{\text{total}}(t)$ is below $\theta$ for some time, lower $f(t)$.

This approach provides backpressure: when queues get too long, low-fee arrivals ($\lambda_2$) are effectively blocked, ensuring $\lambda$ (the total admitted load) stays below each $\mu_i$.

Control-Theoretic / MDP Formulation

For an even more rigorous approach, one can model each stage’s queue length $Q_i(t)$ and the fee floor $f(t)$ as part of a Markov Decision Process (MDP). The state is

\[x(t) \;=\; \bigl(Q_1(t),\,Q_2(t),\,Q_3(t),\,Q_4(t),\, f(t)\bigr),\]

and the action $a(t)$ is how much to raise or lower $f(t)$. One then defines an objective function balancing:

  • Latency (for Class 1 and Class 2 transactions that do get admitted),
  • Drop Rate (how many low-fee transactions get rejected),
  • Stability (ensuring queues do not blow up).

  • Actions:

    \[a(t) \;\in\; \{f\;\pm\;\Delta_f, \; \text{no change}\}.\]
  • Dynamics:

    \[Q_i(t+1) \;=\; Q_i(t) \;+\; \text{arrivals admitted} \;-\; \text{service completions at } S_i.\]
  • Cost Function:

    \[J(x,a) \;=\; \alpha\, \bigl(\text{avg latency}\bigr) \;+\; \beta\, \bigl(\text{drop rate}\bigr),\]

    where $\alpha,\beta>0$ are user-defined weights.

Solving such an MDP exactly can be computationally heavy, but threshold or PID-like controllers are often effective in practice.

Modeling and Simulation in Tandem Priority

Approximate Analysis

Exact formulae for tandem priority queues can be very complex. However, Jackson network theory provides approximations or product-form solutions under certain assumptions. For each queue $S_i$:

  1. Treat arrivals as roughly Poisson($\lambda$) (or $\lambda_1$, $\lambda_2$ for each class).
  2. Use M/M/1 with priority calculations to estimate mean waiting times $W_{q,i,1}$ and $W_{q,i,2}$.
  3. Sum them across stages:

    \[W_{q,1} \approx \sum_{i=1}^4 W_{q,i,1}, \quad W_{q,2} \approx \sum_{i=1}^4 W_{q,i,2}.\]
  4. When $\lambda_2$ is large, a dynamic fee floor can reduce $\lambda_2$ to maintain $\lambda_1 + \lambda_2^{\text{eff}} < \min_i(\mu_i)$.

Discrete-Event Simulation

Given the complexity of exact solutions, Solana developers can build simulators to:

  • Represent each stage as a queue, allowing arrivals and departures in discrete time steps (or continuous-event simulation).
  • Implement priority logic: Class 1 always served first.
  • Introduce an admission policy: if fee < $f$, transaction is dropped or queued with extreme delay.
  • Observe average latency, queue lengths, and how many transactions are dropped as you vary the arrival rates $\lambda_1,\lambda_2$.

Putting Theory into Practice

Let’s bring it all together.

  1. Measure $\mu_i$: Benchmark each stage’s max throughput (NIC, Sig verify, scheduling, execution).
  2. Estimate $\lambda_1,\lambda_2$: Identify how many transactions typically arrive in each “fee class.”
  3. Implement Priority: Non-preemptive priority or head-of-line priority in each stage’s queue.
  4. Adopt Dynamic Fee Floors:

    \[f(t+1) \;=\; \begin{cases} f(t) + \Delta_f, & \text{if } \sum_i Q_i(t) > \Theta,\\ f(t) - \Delta_f, & \text{if } \sum_i Q_i(t) < \theta,\\ f(t), & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases}\]
  5. Monitor and Tune:
    • Track how often you raise or lower $f$.
    • Use load tests or real-time data to confirm that high-fee traffic sees short wait times.

A Unified Queueing-Theory Lens

In Part 1, we established that balancing $\lambda < \mu$ (or $\rho < 1$) is crucial to keep queues finite, and we saw how priority scheduling plus fee floors can protect high-fee transactions from floods of low-fee ones. Here in Part 2, we extended that logic to multiple sequential stages—a realistic model of Solana’s transaction pipeline.

  • Tandem Queues: Each pipeline component can be treated as a separate queue, and stability requires $\lambda < \min_i(\mu_i)$.
  • Dynamic Fee Floors: A feedback-based or control-theoretic approach can keep $\lambda_2$ in check, ensuring $\rho < 1$.
  • Practical Implementation: Actual Solana validators can integrate these ideas, combining local fee markets with threshold controls and rigorous observation of queue lengths.